Back pain relief exercises app

Back pain relief exercises app

  • The app has a variety of exercises and programmes for people with lower back pain.
  • The app should be used with caution because it doesn't provide any guidance on why a user should perform 1 exercise or programme over another. 
  • It's highly recommended that only people who have already participated in a regular exercise programme use the app.
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Back pain relief exercises app By Vladimir Apps


  • Diary/Calendar- showing when exercises are performed.
  • Tracking – by calendar, reflecting completion of an exercise.
Country of origin Cyprus
Clinical review 

2 star review

Read a clinical review of this app, including safety concerns, below.

Security and privacy Does the app:
  • collect medical information? Unknown
  • require a login? No
  • have a password protection? No
  • have a privacy policy? Unknown
  • require internet access? No 

Read more about improving your safety and security when using apps.

Tips to improve your privacy and security [PDF, 65 KB] Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ
Staying safe online(external link) Netsafe, NZ


Basic is free, but there is a paid upgrade version.


This app contains ads, which may vary from user to user.

You can pay to get the Pro version which removes the ads.

How to get the app


This app involves a variety of exercise programmes, specific to individuals who have lower back pain.

The app has pre-prepared exercise programmes, designed by type. There are 14 programmes, eg,  'With persistent pain’, ‘Healthy back’, ‘Strong back, Back Postop Workout', 'Neck Postop Workout'  and also the option to design your own programme, based on the library of approximately 100 exercises.

  • The range of exercises include photos, text descriptions and videos.
  • With the large range of exercises, it's likely that most users would have the ability to see and try some exercises they're not currently familiar with.
  • Users have the ability to customise a programme, by changing exercises, repetitions and volumes. 

It's highly recommended that the app be used under the guidance of a physiotherapist, personal trainer, or other medical professional, or that it's only used by individuals who already have a history of participating in a regular exercise programme. This is because the app doesn't give guidance on why a user should perform 1 exercise or programme over another.

For the complete app description, go to Google Play(external link), App Store(external link) or, for a more detailed review, see reviews below.


There are a large variety of exercises that could be very beneficial for users to incorporate. The exercises are clear to follow, and with pictures, descriptions and videos, it is easy to follow along safely.

This app would be ideal for a user who gets guided onto this programme by a physiotherapist or personal trainer, who could be selecting individual exercises that are appropriate. Alternatively, it may be that some users with a lengthy background in attending the gym, or performing exercise, may be able to choose appropriate exercises.

You can use the app without ongoing internet access.

✘ There are significant safety concerns regarding the need for medical disclaimers, and the lack of direction provided in terms of performing specific exercises.

Clinical review

2 star review

: Chris Lawrence, Community Physiotherapist
Date of review: December 2023
Platform: Android
Version: 1.0.116
Comments: Overall, the app has potential, with a high quality of presentation of the exercises. However, the app is currently missing clear direction for a user in how to safely use it, and the lack of medical disclaimers are concerning. I would recommend this app only in the presence of a trained professional, or for someone with a high exercise knowledge.
Safety concerns: There are some significant concerns with this app.

  1. There is very little medical disclaimer with this app. There is no guidance in the app itself as to who the exercises are appropriate for. The only disclaimer that was found was in the ‘About the app’ section on the Google Play store:
    “If there are intervertebral hernia or protrusions, be sure to consult your doctor before performing the exercises”
  2. There should be a general warning before exercise, and some advice around pain, eg, stop performing exercises if you are experiencing pain.
    Some of the direction is concerning, eg, in the ‘Strengthening the neck section’ there is guidance that it:
    “Can be used in the presence of any problems with the spine and for prevention”. This is misleading, and not all spinal problems will benefit from these exercises.
  3. There is no guideline on specific programmes. For example, in the ‘CSC Fracture Workout’ there is no direction that performing exercises with an acute fracture has a high potential for harm.
  4. There generally seems to be a real lack of direction once you log into the app. There doesn’t seem to be a clear direction as to how you choose a particular programme, no assessment of the user’s ability, and no clear guideline to support choosing particular exercises or programmes.

New Zealand relevance: Yes. The specific exercises, and descriptions would be easily understood by a New Zealand audience.

Disclaimer: The NZ Health App Library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly.

Factsheets – using health apps safely

How to choose a health app
Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ

Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.